The Place Where Paradox Comes Alive
The more we let go of our fear of not enough-ness, the more enough we feel. The curious myth is believing we have to cut off the parts of ourselves that we believe aren't fit to be seen. We think dis-owning the unwanted parts is how our 'better', most worthy version of self will be showcased and get us the most reward of love and belonging. The shadow side of this hustle is we believe if anyone finds out about the places and parts we've kept out of sight, we will be exposed for our fraudulence and the love and belonging will be withdrawn.
The paradox is that the more we integrate and call home these parts, the less effort we spend on hiding, hustling and running. The freer we are. The more we rest in our own enough-ness, the more creativity, influence, intelligence, inspiration we find and create the space to make mistakes and bow reverentially to our perfectly human imperfection.
“ The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” - Carl Rogers